Teacher Spotlight

Each week we'll put the spotlight on a different staff member!

Dr. Tracey Beckendorf-Edou, Supervisor of Teaching and Learning

How long have you been with ORS?  
I have been with ORS since November 2012, but my family moved to Oak Ridge because of the school system in July 2010.

How did you know your chosen subject area/grade level was right for you?
I have taught math, science, English as a Foreign Language and even smatterings of French and reading. My favorite subject to teach is secondary school mathematics, either middle or high school. I love how exciting it is when there is a room full of students grasping and running with an idea that they may have found challenging just moments before. When they understand connections between what they are learning in the classroom and what they have seen or experienced outside of the classroom, there is nothing like it. I really love using cooperative learning when teaching, and having groups of students solve problems together, building on each other’s strengths. That is fun in all content areas.

What's your greatest achievement/proudest moment as an educator?  
I used to work at a pretty difficult middle school. It was a Title I school that had so many problems; when I first started working there, we had a lot of administrative turnover and the school was in chaos. But then we got a really fabulous administrative team, and I got selected to be on the leadership team. As part of that leadership team, I had a voice and opportunities in turning the school around. When the entire culture of the school shifted to one of academic excitement and growth, and when I saw parents who had originally tried to move kids away from our school bring their kids back, it was unbelievable. I think the best part of being an educator are those behind-the-scenes moments that no one will probably ever recognize but that add something important to students’ academic opportunities and experiences.

What do you love about education?
I love learning. I guess it’s natural that I love education because I always want to learn new things myself. 

What's the most rewarding part of your job?
In my current job, I miss kids, I miss being around teacher colleagues every day, and I miss having my own classroom. So I think the most rewarding part of my job is when I visit schools and classrooms. Please invite me out if you are willing to have me! I do need a “kid fix” from time to time; luckily, Willow Brook and Mrs. Gore have been generous in sharing some kindergarteners with me. J

Other than that, I really, really enjoy moments when I either get to facilitate professional development or to coordinate facilitation. I love listening to teachers collaborate, strategize, and figure things out together.

Share a unique or surprising personal fact.
Probably a lot of people know this about me, but I lived in Africa for 10 years. I used to train African teachers in using math manipulatives in the classroom by using seed pods that had fallen from the trees as the manipulatives! We have so much here, even when we feel like we are starving for resources. This is a picture of Gabon, where I lived and where my daughter was born.

What's something on your bucket list?
I never did get to Victoria Falls in Zambia. I want to do a hot air balloon safari in Zambia near Victoria Falls. 

What are your hobbies or interests away from ORS?
I love to hike, read, jog, and travel. My family and I go on a lot of road trips, especially since we don’t have any other relatives in Tennessee. Most of my family live in the Seattle area (go Seahawks!), and my husband’s family lives in Texas. I also really like caves. Before moving to Tennessee, I had no idea there were so many caves here! Now I drive my family crazy because I want to explore every cave I come across. They are so fun! I also enjoy telling stories. I have so many stories, it’s crazy. If you ever get stuck on a road trip with me, I’ll probably start telling you stories. You can ask Amber Godbee if that is a good thing or not. J And, last but not least, I enjoy spending time with my family. My daughter is a senior, so we are always trying to figure out college things, and my husband and I like to walk our dog and go canoeing.

Bruce Lay, Principal @ RMS

How long have you been with ORS?  
This is my 14th year in Oak Ridge

How did you know your chosen subject area/grade level was right for you?
The majority of my teaching experience was in a fifth grade classroom.  I simply enjoyed teaching fifth grade. Fifth grade students are still sweet and kind in general, but are old enough to have fun with.  Their honesty is refreshing and its rewarding to watch them grow.

What's your greatest achievement/proudest moment as an educator?  
I can't say that one experience stands out.  I have had the opportunity to connect with many students and just watching them mature and become successful adults is all the reward I need.

What do you love about education?
What I love best about education is the enjoyment and challenges of working with such a diverse group of students.

What's the most rewarding part of your job?
The best part of my job is knowing that I am playing a part in offering students and teachers the structure and support necessary to maintain a quality school.

Share a unique or surprising personal fact.
I get tremendous satisfaction from fixing things!

What's something on your bucket list?
I don't actually have a bucket list, but plan on buying a new motorcycle or fast car between now and retirement.

What are your hobbies or interests away from ORS?
I enjoy yard work, fixing anything with an engine and going to the lake!

Calvin Maddox, Linden

How long have you been with ORS?  
I have been with ORS for 6.5 years... but I also went through the system so if you count all of those years, I have been with ORS for 19.5 years.

How did you know your chosen subject area/grade level was right for you?
It was the first opportunity that was opened up for me.  I learned through many people not to turn down the spot where you think you are meant to be.  I felt like I was meant to be at Linden so I could not turn down the opportunity to return to my old elementary school.  

What's your greatest achievement/proudest moment as an educator?  
We talk about kids coming in with a blank slate, well I've had kids who literally have not had a slate.  So watching these kids learn their alphabet, numbers, reading and writing is my greatest achievement.

What do you love about education?
The snow days... but honestly seeing the light bulb click on is what I love.  Pushing kids to achieve greater things than they ever thought possible.

What's the most rewarding part of your job?
The hugs... but I only allow it before and after school... in between time it's all business.

Share a unique or surprising personal fact.
I am the six time ORS Male Kindergarten Teacher of the Year

What's something on your bucket list?

What are your hobbies or interests away from ORS?
I am a big college sports fan (Go Gators)... I like to play multiple sports, like to sing, can't dance but like to make and play music, I like to eat (but can't cook)... huge movie fan.

Cheryl Burchett, ORHS

How long have you been with ORS?  
10 years

How did you know your chosen subject area/grade level was right for you?
I love art and I love telling people what to do!  It was a natural fit.  

What's your greatest achievement/proudest moment as an educator?  
I helped a student sculpt a dress out of newspaper that won a big prize in an art contest, but I am equally proud of my students who 'just took art to get a credit' and discover a hidden talent.

What do you love about education?
I get to guide students in making things, in realizing that it is possible to take something that started as random pieces and make something out of it.  I get to teach students to speak in images and imagine amazing possibilities!

What's the most rewarding part of your job?
Working with the students each day, watching their ideas unfold.

Share a unique or surprising personal fact.
I have a trapeze bar hanging from the very high ceiling in my living room.  It was a gift from my husband while I was taking a trapeze class!

What's something on your bucket list?
Travel to India, Africa, Venice, anywhere, everywhere!

What are your hobbies or interests away from ORS?
I love party planning and crafting unique items from unusual resources.  I sometimes get to demonstrate what I make on WBIR.  I also have a blog where I post what I'm making call The Re-purposed Pumpkin.

Editor's note - if you love Pinterest, you'll also love Cheryl's blog!  And if you happen to be the parent of a 'Frozen' fanatic, she's got some great costume ideas for little girls too.

Jesus Gonzalez, ORHS

How long have you been with ORS?  
12 years

How did you know your chosen subject area/grade level was right for you?
It is obvious but..I am a native speaker. The HS is the perfect match for me because I truly enjoy the more mature interaction that takes place at the HS level.

What's your greatest achievement/proudest moment as an educator?  
It happens everyday when I can see that I am making a difference in kids lives..when I see them finally get/understand something specially related to Foreign Languages/cultures.

What do you love about education?
I love the interaction with the students...seeing them grow into young adults. So many of them don't have the input/feedback at home needed to make sure they are on the right path.

What's the most rewarding part of your job?
Seeing students grow and become productive members of society and to know that in some small part I had something to do with that.

Share a unique or surprising personal fact.
I am always up for anything and/or everything specially outdoors. I truly enjoy scuba diving and diving with about 50 sharks during a feeding frenzy in the Bahamas a few years ago was very exciting (though I am not sure I would do it again)

What's something on your bucket list?
Would love to swim with a whale in the wild and would also love to spend a week in one of those over the water bungalows in the pacific ocean (Fuji, Maldives, etc) with my wife of course.

What are your hobbies or interests away from ORS?
Sports..I enjoy being active. I also like to travel abroad and do so every chance I get. Finally I love watching my kids perform on whatever activities they are involved.

Leigh Monger, RMS

How long have you been with ORS?  
Since 1993, so 21 years!

How did you know your chosen subject area/grade level was right for you?
I was an ORHS grad and did YLDCIP as a class.  I was interested in teaching Special Education, so I came to my favorite place, Robertsville Junior High School, and did my YLDCIP program with Norma James, who was then teaching Special Education.  I went straight to college and had my major... never changed or looked back!

What's your greatest achievement/proudest moment as an educator?  
I was chosen as the Outstanding New Classroom Teacher of the Year in Hamilton County Schools, but better than that is when a former student sees me years later and thanks me for helping them or lets me know their successes!

What do you love about education?
The continuous learning and trying to find something to reach a kid, whether it be academically or socially. Trying to find what works to help a student get it!

What's the most rewarding part of your job?
Knowing that a student has learned something that was previously difficult for them.

Share a unique or surprising personal fact.
I won $1,000 on an 80 foot putt and the Oak Ridge Boys Club Pig and Putt event many years ago.

What's something on your bucket list?
To live at the beach for an entire summer.

What are your hobbies or interests away from ORS?
Running with my RMS co-workers, Spin class at the Rush and lots of free-time reading... and binging on Netflix!

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