Starring In a Supporting Role

In addition to our awesome certified staff, ORS is fortunate to have amazing support staff.  Just like the Teacher's Spotlight page, each week we'll put a different member of our support staff center stage.

Elizabeth McFall, Professional Development Assistant @ SAB
Summer in Wisconsin
is lovely!

How long have you been with ORS?  
Since August 2001 so I'm going into my 14th year

How did you know your chosen subject area/grade level was right for you?
My husband and I moved to Tennessee from Wisconsin where I worked at UW coordinating Study Abroad programming.  I loved the idea of using my strengths of organization and creativity to assist teachers, but wanted to try something different and frankly, needed a break from higher ed. I was fortunate that my current position came open the week I moved to Oak Ridge and the rest as they say, is history.

What's your greatest achievement/proudest moment as an educator?  
I have a sign in my office that reads 'To love what you do and feel that it matters - what could be more fun?' To work alongside those who are constantly striving to improve and to play a part in the success of others is truly fun.  I was especially proud of myself when I earned an industry certification and endorsement (CAP-OM)  for organizational management from the International Association of Administrative Professionals late in 2013.  

What do you love about education?
I love working with and supporting those who are in direct contact with students. Five years in youth ministry leadership taught me that middle schoolers are really not my thing, but I very much admire those who are 'in the trenches' so to speak.  

What's the most rewarding part of your job?
I love when I have the opportunity to be out in the buildings.  I often hear about our amazing teachers, but seeing them in action now and then is a joy.  It helps me to remember why the work I do is important. I also greatly enjoy facilitating PD opportunities for and collaborating with our district's awesome office staff and providing administrative coaching to office professionals across the country.  

Share a unique or surprising personal fact.
A sophisticated bunch...
Unique Fact - To keep in touch with my nieces and nephews I started a YouTube cooking channel.  We cook together and make recipes and crafts that the kiddos (ages 2-9) can do with limited adult assistance. Since starting in February 2012 we've made over 150 recipes and each child has either done solo or appeared in at least one video.  To date, we've got over 50,000 followers which makes the auntlings feel famous. Check us out at and be sure to notice the theme song which was written by a couple of darling 7 year olds.

Surprising Fact - Anyone who knows me well knows that I am not prone to wild spontaneity.  However, in April 2001 my husband and I decided we were tired of cold winters.  We got out a map and picked two options simply by closing our eyes and dropping a pencil to see where it landed.  It was a toss up between Knoxville and Piscataway, NJ.  We sold most of our stuff and moved here without jobs or place to live. We chose correctly and it's worked out well because it's cold in New Jersey!

What's something on your bucket list?
To celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary in a home we own on the beach.  This will happen in September 2044.... so it's going to be in the bucket for a while yet.

What are your hobbies or interests away from ORS?
I joke that rather than children we have 3D printers, but it's true.  Since 2006 we've operated a 3D printing business which my husband now runs full time.  I also love to cook, read, and remodel our 1940s home.

Teresa Seals, Principal's Secretary @ ORHS

How long have you been with ORS?  
10 years

How did you know your chosen subject area/grade level was right for you?
I have always loved learning and being a part of a learning environment promotes the desire to continue the experience.
What's your greatest achievement/proudest moment as an educator?  
When I was able to 'teach a teacher.'  

What do you love about education?
The opportunity it affords us to better ourselves.

What's the most rewarding part of your job?
Being able to assist those around me that I work with and for.

Share a unique or surprising personal fact.
The first time I ever had to go to the Principal's Office was when I interviewed for a position as his Secretary.

What's something on your bucket list?
I would love to travel to Europe.

What are your hobbies or interests away from ORS?
Love spending time with my family, especially my four year old granddaughter.  Love working with little kids and music.

Lori Reed, Principal's Secretary @ RMS

How long have you been with ORS?  
1992-1997, 2002 - present = 17 years

How did you know your chosen subject area/grade level was right for you?
I started working with ORS when my children were young to be able to enjoy the time off from breaks and summer with them.  The positions that I have held in different locations at ORS led me to love the educational environment and see what a rewarding field it is.

What's your greatest achievement/proudest moment as an educator?  
My proudest moment was recently when the RMS  Gymnasium was dedicated to Mr. Thomas Hayes, who hired me at RMS.  he is such an honorable man.  I was truly blessed to work under his leadership.

What do you love about education?
Although most of my time is spent in the office, it is rewarding for me to see a student who has enters RMS in 5th grade and the growth and maturity they have four years later when they leave for ORHS.  Our educators are wonderful and certainly contribute to their success here and prepare them for the future with a great education.

What's the most rewarding part of your job?
My goal each day is to do my job to the best of my ability (with a smile.)  Whether it be an administrator, teacher, student or parent, I am rewarded at the end of the day if I was able to assist them and be of help in some way.

Share a unique or surprising personal fact.
I ran my first 5K race at age 35 with a goal of just finishing... and won!

What's something on your bucket list?
I would love for my whole family to go to Hawaii.

What are your hobbies or interests away from ORS?
I love being with my family and enjoying time with our grandkids.  I also love to visit thrift and resale shops to search for treasures that used to be someone else's junk!

Connie Wilson, Student Services Assistant @ ORHS

How long have you been with ORS?  
20 years

How did you know your chosen subject area/grade level was right for you?
I love kids.

What's your greatest achievement/proudest moment as an educator?  
Knowing that I am consistent and having them know they can count on me.

What do you love about education?
Watching students achieve.

What's the most rewarding part of your job?
Getting a chance to make a difference in a student's life.

Share a unique or surprising personal fact.
I love to work!

What's something on your bucket list?
To go to New York and watch the ball drop on New Year's Eve.

What are your hobbies or interests away from ORS?
Volunteering for Knoxville team, fishing, camping, travel, grand-kids, helping out with neighbors, singing in choir.

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