Monday, December 1, 2014

Community Tour December 16

Come visit elementary, middle and high school classrooms on December 16 from 8:00-12:45. See how Oak Ridge teachers and students are teaching and learning while school is in session. The day will begin at the American Museum of Science and Energy (AMSE), then will proceed through an elementary, middle and high school for classroom visits. Lunch will be served at Oak Ridge High School. You will have an opportunity to hear from Mr. Parker Hardy about STEM in the Oak Ridge Community and to have a question and answer session with Dr. Borchers, Superintendent, before heading back to AMSE at 12:45.

There are only 30 slots available for this tour. To register, please complete the following: . We are anticipating having additional tours in the future.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Oak Ridge STEM Since 1943

Oak Ridge is located in East Tennessee, not far from Knoxville. Oak Ridge was founded in 1943 by the U.S. government as a secret city built as part of the Manhattan Project. Oak Ridge is home to Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Y-12 National Security Complex, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, a regional medical center, two museums (the American Museum of Science and Energy and the Oak Ridge Children’s Museum) and a host of industries which work on high technology metals, nuclear safety, electromechanical devices, energy infrastructure, chemical engineering, cybersecurity, nanotechnology, automotive sciences, environmental sciences, and emergency preparedness, among many other scientific and technical fields. Pioneering work in the development of low-cost carbon fiber is on the way.

Oak Ridge Schools, which has a picture of an atom as its symbol, thus prides itself on the STEM content and opportunities available to its students since the inception of the school system. The following are a few of the many ways in which STEM is embedded into Oak Ridge Schools’ culture.

STEM content

Students depend on strong K-12 content in STEM in order to be prepared for college and careers. In Oak Ridge, STEM begins in elementary school, in which students investigate the world through inquiry in many ways. Even preschool students investigate questions, come up with predictions and learn about the world around them.

Oak Ridge middle school students can take high school level courses in mathematics and world languages. Consistently, 100% of Oak Ridge middle schoolers who take Algebra 1 score proficient and advanced on the state end of course exam. Engineering coursework is offered at both middle schools and continues in high school.

High school courses are rigorous and varied. In science, students can study biology, chemistry, physics (electricity and magnetism as well as mechanics), and environmental science. Students can learn computer programming and continue their engineering studies. Oak Ridge High school not only offers AP Calculus AB, BC and statistics, but it also offers multivariate calculus, differential equations and linear algebra in a partnership with Tennessee Technological University.

STEM content, however, extends beyond what is typically considered STEM – science, technology, engineering and math. In Oak Ridge, we believe that STEM depends upon skills in communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration, so any course that develops those skills can be considered STEM. Communication is developed through programs and content areas such as English Language Arts, journalism, visual communications, broadcasting, Web design, world languages, and civics. Creativity is developed in orchestra, band, 2-D and 3-D art, and digital design. We also have teachers from all content areas who enjoy integrating traditional STEM content into their courses.

Student Partnerships

Oak Ridge High School students have opportunities to participate in wetlands research through the Clinch River Environmental Studies Organization. They conduct computational or experimental scientific research with scientists from Oak Ridge National Laboratory. For example, Oak Ridge
computer science students learn from National Institute of Computational Sciences professionals on the Krakken supercomputer. Students participate in Materials Sciences camp through the University of Tennessee Knoxville. They take dual enrollment courses in animation motion graphics, civil engineering, robotics, digital design, ceramics, and STEM research. They participate in health sciences clinical internships at the Methodist Medical Center and other local healthcare facilities, including veterinary clinics. They participate in simulated business environments and work-based learning. Oak Ridge High School graduates receive industry certifications in welding, dual credit towards their post-secondary welding credentials, and have first rights into post-secondary training in welding.

Oak Ridge students often finish well in competitions such as Siemens, Science Bowl, Scholar’s Bowl, Math Bowl, FIRST Lego League and Robotics, National Chemistry Olympiad, and many others. Oak Ridge Schools also participates in international exchange programs in Japan, Russia, Germany and France in order to develop worldwide relationships and understanding.

STEM Coaches

In every school, from preschool to high school, Oak Ridge has teacher leaders who act as STEM coaches to share STEM-related teaching techniques and opportunities with their colleagues. STEM coaches themselves participate in professional development related to inquiry-based and problem-based learning and receive one-on-one coaching on integrating those themes into their classrooms and buildings.

Digital Technology

STEM isn’t only about having a device, but using technological tools helps engage students and opens doors to learning up-to-date world realities and opportunities. For example, one STEM coach who is also a middle school social studies teacher recently addressed student misconceptions about Africa by having students tour Africa via Google Earth. His students also used Minecraft to create a project about Mesopotamia. Other teachers use devices for math intervention with Dreambox or TenMarks or to do a fun quiz review with Kahoot.
Oak Ridge Schools is currently partnering with digital technology providers Discovery Education, Dreambox, TenMarks, Study Island, Edgenuity, and Edutyping. Oak Ridge also has Instructional Technology Coaches who help teachers integrate digital resources into the curriculum.

STEM is about College and Career Readiness

Ultimately, Oak Ridge believes in STEM in order to prepare students for college and careers. As the community itself has high-tech, highly skilled jobs right next door, the schools are
essential starting grounds to supply those jobs with highly-prepared Tennessee students. Oak Ridge Schools thus carries on the tradition of energizing minds since 1943.

Monday, August 18, 2014

WONDERWORKS Teacher Wonder Days

You and a guest are invited to WonderWorks in Pigeon Forge on September 19-21 and October 3-5.
Check in times are Friday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

RSVP is required by September 18. 

Certified teachers and 1 guest receive FREE admission.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

It's Back to School Time in Oak Ridge!

Welcome back teachers to what is sure to be another fantastic school year in Oak Ridge!  We kicked off the new year with an awesome day of professional collaboration and learning.  With 40 different sessions there was truly something for everyone!  
2014 Dragon Boat District Winners - JMS

The Road to Text Complexity... is a rewarding journey!

Discovering TenMarks Assessments

They wore it best...

or did they?

Right on... we wear it best!
Figuring it all out... RTI2
A packed house for aimsweb training!

Monday, May 12, 2014

2014 ORPSEF Grant Recipients Announced

The Oak Ridge Public Schools Education Foundation recently announced the recipients of their 2014 Grant Awards Program.  

We very much appreciate their generosity to our teachers and congratulate those who received awards.

Cherie Adcock (WD); Leah Henry (WB); Leandra Hill (LN/RMS); Jennifer Long (JMS/ORHS); Yi Ching 'Kat' Sakovich (GW) - ESL Titanic trip and materials

Lisa Buckner, Linden - LEGO Mindstorm robotics set and peripherals

Julie Clemens, Preschool - STEM stations and manipulatives

Janice Farr, ORHS - Pharmacy Tech Industry Certifications for Health Sciences Students

Cathy Ginel & Melissa Jeter, RMS - Science Lab docking stations and monitors

David Goforth & Mardee Miller, RMS - Promethean boards & projectors for 6th grade classrooms

Sean Greene, RMS - Tuba replacement

Jennifer Little, Woodland - Camp Invention scholarships

Lisa Meidl, Willow Brook - Adobe Photoshop license for Library

Leigh Monger & Jackie Laney, RMS - ActivTable for Special Education classroom

Michael Mott, RMS - CPS clickers for 7th grade Math classrooms

Janie Shanafield, JMS - FIRST LEGO League program at JMS

Emily Sheppeard, RMS - Dragon Naturally Speaking licenses

Brian Smith, JMS - GIS mapping STEM manuals

Scot Smith, RMS - eBooks from Follett (for seven schools)

Anna Wakefield, ORHS - Computers for Art Lab

Monday, May 5, 2014

Words of Appreciation from Superintendent Borchers

This is a special recognition week for many of our employees. First is Teacher Appreciation Week. When I am out in the community I have stated countless times that the Oak Ridge Schools’ teaching staff is the best I have ever seen. I say that as superintendent…and I say it as a father of an Oak Ridge Schools’ student. Our community, parents, and students are so fortunate to have the caliber of professionals that we have teaching in our classrooms.

This week is also Nurse Appreciation Week. We are also very fortunate to have such an exceptional group of nurses at our schools. These professionals help keep our students healthy and well throughout the year. 

It is also School Nutrition Employee Week. This is the perfect opportunity to recognize the hardworking professionals in our school cafeterias who prepare healthy school meals for our students and ensure that they get a nutritious breakfast and lunch each day!

Please join me in thanking all of these staff members for the excellent service that they provide to our district and all they do to help our students be successful.

The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth."  ~Dan Rather

If a doctor, lawyer, or dentist had 40 people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, and some of whom didn't want to be there and were causing trouble, and the doctor, lawyer, or dentist, without assistance, had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teacher's job.  ~Donald D. Quinn

Tuesday, April 22, 2014